Team Behind Goodsoul!
We firmly believe that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future.
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We are a small NGO organization based in Debra, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. Give us some help with amazing food for giving back. Help us with sending seniors and disadvantaged youth...
General Secretary
Ans. Chakkumar Association For Social Service (CASS) is a registered charity . Welfare based, Secular, Philanthropic organization. Working for the vulnerable children, Women empowerment, Youth development, Skill Development, Aged care and protection, Service provider under Domestic violence, Health and Hygienic development, Tribal development etc.
Yes. It is a registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, Indian Trust Act, Persons With Disability Act, , FCRA Act , MSME UDYAMI Act, Corporate Social Responsibility Act.
Yes, Registered under Income Tax Exemption Act U/s- 12AB & 80G
Yes. All donation/Contribution shall be exempted under 80G of Income Tax Act.
Child Rights, Care & Protection, Women Empowerment, Tribal Health Care, Youth network and development, Counselling and Support centre, Aged Care & Protection.